Sunday, February 12, 2012

What kind of solvent do you use to regrip a golf club?

I am regripping a golf club and i really dont know what to use to put nside of the new grip.What kind of solvent do you use to regrip a golf club?Back when I was younger and not so wise...we used gasoline........ Nowdays I use mineral spirits....its cheap and effective and the fumes are less explosive.What kind of solvent do you use to regrip a golf club?
First you need double sided tape cut to the length of the grip, and placed over the butt of the shaft. As a solvent to slip the grip over the butt of the shaft, I use either WD 40 or laquer thinnner. Each works well, and can be washed easily with soapy water. The trick is to place enough on, and to do it quickly.What kind of solvent do you use to regrip a golf club?Im from the old school of regriping and gasoline used to be the easiest way to slide them on but now they have odorless specific solvent..but most of the places want u to buy there grips and may charge minimal for actual regriping..
I don't use any, use an air compressor, that is what the hole in the end of the grip is for.What kind of solvent do you use to regrip a golf club?mineral spirits is the safest,cheapest and is also non-toxic.

the" old school" ways should be done in case of an emergency only.What kind of solvent do you use to regrip a golf club?
I've re-gripped golf clubs for years using lighter fluid. It's cheap, available everywhere and works with any two-sided tape..
Mineral spirits. You probably won't need to remove the old tape. Just cut the grip off, wet the tape, and pour some inside the new grip.What kind of solvent do you use to regrip a golf club?
i use paint thinner and it works every time

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