Saturday, February 18, 2012

How much torque (N m) does a golf swing put on the average person/Tiger's knee? What can I compare this to?

As is obvious to anyone who has seen Tiger swing a club, he puts a tremendous amount of torque on the knee he is getting surgery on. I am wondering if there are exact measurements as to how much torque people, particularly Tiger, put on their knee during a golf swing. As I am relatively unfamiliar with physics, I would also appreciate a comparison of that measurement to something understandable.How much torque (N m) does a golf swing put on the average person/Tiger's knee? What can I compare this to?Here it is in simple terms.

Torque = Force X lever.

The lever is the distance from the center of curvature of the swing.

Force= mass X acceleration

Mass is the wt of the club, his arms and the ball itself when he hits it.

Acceleration if from the equation


Here is how you find the r. Find the point where half of the mass of the swing is further out, and half is closer to the center. That is the r part of the acceleration.

Now let me get in to the w. Just at there are 360 degrees in a complete circle. There is 2*pi radians in a complete circle. Approx 6.28 radians in a complete circle.


Try to find out how much time it takes to complete the swing and how much of a complete circle it takes. Take the percentage of a complete circle, multiply it y 2 * pi and then divide it by the amount of time it takes to complete that swing. That would be w. Take the w to the second poser, this is w^2.

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