Saturday, February 18, 2012

Does working out your abs and lower body help you hit a golf ball further?

I am 12 years old and I am 5'2 and I hit a golf ball about 205 with my driver on average .If it does help can you tell me some exercises that can help me increase my driving distance?Does working out your abs and lower body help you hit a golf ball further?You're only 12.....HEED THIS ADVICE, forget about your driving distance if it's 205 now, when you're fully grown and filled in it will be more. Right now is the time to work on your short game and putting, learn feel, learn how to master your wedges, learn a make or break flop shot to perfection. Forget about hours at the driving range and move to the putting green. YOU take control of your short game now and you could possibly have a future, professionally. Every PGA tour member can drive a ball 280-320+ with accuracy.....its the short game and putting that takes home the check. Core strengthening (abs,chest, back) and flexibility are the key. YOGA is the answer. I cannot tell you how many guys I have played with that can drive the ball 50yds from the green and tally up a double bogey....don't even go there, save your testosterone for football and wrestling. Work on control and accuracy. You'll thank me someday for this or smack yourself for not listening. Happy Golfing.Does working out your abs and lower body help you hit a golf ball further?While core strength is always a good idea, having hand/forearm strength is a definite plus. A big misconception is to swing the club with the body... I've heard that for a while now, and still don't know anyone that can fully explain it. The truth is, you need your arms and hands to help, as well. They remain passive in the backswing, but they fire through impact. Fred Couples, when talking about his easy-as-you-please swing, has said himself that at impact he's "trying to really go after the ball" (Golf magazine). If done correctly, your swing speed will skyrocket.

Make sure, though, to work on your flexibility. Don't sacrifice that for strength, or you'll just end up with a new set of issues.

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