Sunday, February 12, 2012

I have a big golf tournament tomorrow. What are something that will make me do better?

I am going to be in a big golf tournament tomorrow. I have never played the course, what are some key elements that will help me play better, other than steroids?I have a big golf tournament tomorrow. What are something that will make me do better?Like the others said...walk the course out and plan your game. plan every shot...and see it in your mind. Prepare your self mentally and don't wear yourself out practicing the night before. Get your 8 hours, a good breakfast, and dress very nice and confident. My uncle played on the amateur tour and told me that if you dress the best and feel confident you will 9 times out of 10 play better. Try not to get aggravated with your bad shots, if you do the aggravation will carry itself to the next shot and so on a so forth. I used to think, no matter how many times i was told, that it wasn't all about your mental game...but the more i get older the more i realize that a clear mind can improve your game from 10 handicap to +2 handicapp. Also try to avoid distractions such as "girls, texting, or even other conversations with a competant."

GOOD LUCK!!! hope this helpsI have a big golf tournament tomorrow. What are something that will make me do better?
Do as much research on the course as possible before you go in. Try to pull up a layout on the internet and see what you can find out about the place. Also check with the pro-shop and see if they have yardage books for the course. See if the holes set up for a right to left or left to right ball flight and adjust your game accordingly. Know where the trouble areas are and how far you can hit off the tees before you are in trouble with the rough or bunkers coming into play. It's kind of like scouting an opponent in basketball or football, you want to know the holes you can take advantage of and go for birdie and also the holes you will need to play a bit more conservatively. Know the speed of the greens also and pay attention to the conditions, like if it has rained within the last 24 hours which will slow down the roll on the fairways and greens.

Get plenty of sleep the night before and try to arrive 2-3 hours before your tee time so you have time to stretch, hit some balls to loosen up and get a feel on the putting green. You'll also want to eat a good breakfast with some carbs in the morning.

The mental aspect is also a big thing about it, tournament play is mainly about keeping your head int he game, if you hit a couple of bad shots don't let it get to you and play one hole at a time. Just keep your head on your shoulders and be prepared mentally and also with a strategy for your round and you should be fine!I have a big golf tournament tomorrow. What are something that will make me do better?Sorry, bub, but steroids are definitely not the way to go. You could try going to the course and walking around, looking for hazard placements, green topography, possible pin placements, stuff like that. That is, of course, assuming you're allowed to do this.

If you go into it blind, just remember to play within yourself. There's no reason to try a "bomb and gouge" method if you don't know what the consequences for poor shots will be. If you have a caddy, lean on him/her as much as possible.

Other than that, just stay positive. Keeping an upbeat mentality will always help get you out of jams.I have a big golf tournament tomorrow. What are something that will make me do better?
lol steroids? You're funny.

On the golf course you'll be playing at, you should've been playing there all this week, getting used to the course. If not, well, you still have today.

Make a yrds card if you don't already have one.

Get there early before the tournament and practice hitting off the driving range, chipping, and putting.

If there is anything you need to work on in particular, then work on those areas.

I had my 1st tournament today, I've only been playing for a month, but I got second place (which I'm not happy about)

but anyway, goodluck to you, and I hope I helped at least a lil bit.I have a big golf tournament tomorrow. What are something that will make me do better?1. Course Management - this is very underrated when talking about golf. There's a lot to course management so I won't cover it all here, but there are plenty of sites out there that go into great detail about this topic. I'd suggest reviewing them, even if just as a refresher.

2. Stay Focused - everyone does this a different way. Some have a routine, some have a red dot on their glove, some have one or two pre-shot "swing thoughts". If you haven't already, adopt some technique to help you stay focused during a round. If you have on already, then just remind yourself to use it.

3. Have Fun - most importantly, have FUN. Unless you're a pro or playing for money, the whole point is to have fun out there. Don't stress out, don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself. Stay in the moment and enjoy it for what it is, a great game.I have a big golf tournament tomorrow. What are something that will make me do better?
Sleep early, drink lots of water, eat plenty of carbohydrate and play like a child.

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