Sunday, February 5, 2012

What are good golf interview questions?

I am new to the high school newspaper and our first asignment is to write a story on the golf team. What are good questions to ask in an interview?What are good golf interview questions?You want to interview the coach. Ask him how he feels about the teams chances this season. Who is on the team, who has experience, who is new. What are their strengths and weaknesses, who do they play against - which opponents will be the toughest. What are their chances to win conference, regional, sectional, state tournament? Then if you have time interview the players, or at least the captain and see what their outlook for the season is.What are good golf interview questions?Flatstick has the right approach here. You should also do a little homework before you meet. How has the team done the last few years? Who are the top players? Also might be fun to do a profile on the coach and some of the players. Where they're from, likes and dislikes, where they might be thinking of going to college etc. Remember to smile! Good luck. What are good golf interview questions?What's your handicap? Who's your ideal golfer? Who do yo think will Trumph in the Ryder Cup?

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