Sunday, February 5, 2012

Does a municipal golf course have to uphold their advertised price for college student?

The municipal golf course advertises a membership rate for college students on their website and in the newspaper. There is not mention of an age restriction on either advertisement but when I went in to purchase it they said I am "too old" to get the rate. They told me that since I am 26 they cannot sell me the membership for that price. Are they allowed to do this as I am a full time college student and that is how they advertise it. Thanks for the info!Does a municipal golf course have to uphold their advertised price for college student?I'd have to say that they can't get away with that. Contact the City Attorney's office. I'd also be willing to bet that they city doesn't know they are doing that.Does a municipal golf course have to uphold their advertised price for college student?Yes, they have to uphold the advertisement unless it specifies not only the college status, but also the age limit.

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