Sunday, February 12, 2012

A mower at a golf course shot rock that shattered my back window. The golf course is responsible?

I work at a golf course where a mower shot out my back window. Needless to say I had to get it fixed right away. It rained the next evening. The golf course should pay for the damages? Correct?A mower at a golf course shot rock that shattered my back window. The golf course is responsible?Not even a Q. Their insurance will cover the damage. If they have a deductible they will pay damages out of pocket.A mower at a golf course shot rock that shattered my back window. The golf course is responsible?
Much depends upon where you were parked and how the accident happened. Many courses have insurance to cover such incidents. Since you work at the course report this incident to the super and have him take it up with the club management.A mower at a golf course shot rock that shattered my back window. The golf course is responsible?Yes, speak to the course superintendent about it. They should be able to cover it without too much of a hassle to you.A mower at a golf course shot rock that shattered my back window. The golf course is responsible?
I agree completely with Googie's answer. Providing you were not parked in a place you shouldn't have been, should be no problem.A mower at a golf course shot rock that shattered my back window. The golf course is responsible?nope. move away.A mower at a golf course shot rock that shattered my back window. The golf course is responsible?
yes .. they have to have accident coverage insurance.

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