Sunday, February 12, 2012

Does anyone know where I can get my trainers spiked for golf?

I would really like to get my current trainers spiked so I can play golf in them. Only problem is I can't find anywhere on the net that do it.Does anyone know where I can get my trainers spiked for golf?IF it could even be done (I doubt it) it would cost you more than buying a pair of golf shoes. This time of year is good for buying shoes and accessories because the season is starting to wind down and retailers have some pretty good sales on right now.Does anyone know where I can get my trainers spiked for golf?
I hate to be a negative nancy, but you probably are better off either buying golf shoes or golfing in your trainers as they are. By the time you buy the spikes, you're out ten bucks already, plus whatever the cost of having them put in. You can find golf shoes surprisingly cheap, especially here at the end of the season (up north at least). I stumbled across a pair of Nike's for thirty bucks at Meijer.

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If it were possible to put spikes on shoes, I doubt it would be much cheaper than that, if at all.Does anyone know where I can get my trainers spiked for golf?Do not do that. Just buy a pair of cheap golf shoes from or anyone know where I can get my trainers spiked for golf?
just buy some golf shoes like 99.9999% of the rest of the golfers have done.Does anyone know where I can get my trainers spiked for golf?Perhaps a Farrier could help, after all they put shoes on horses. Do you not realize how uncomfortable they would be?

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