Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why do you think Tiger Wood took a break from professional golf?

It was the first time, surprising moment for all of us to find out that Tiger Wood had announced to take a break from professional golf. Tell us why YOU think he took a break?Why do you think Tiger Wood took a break from professional golf?I am sure he saw it as his "little secret" and his enablers all tried to keep it hushed up. After all, remember disgraced ex New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and the many trips to the whores in DC? They tried to keep that a secret to protect him. Think again.

Tiger took a break because he is mortified that his personal, "it's none-of-your-business" sexual escapades became common knowledge. And maybe there are even MORE whores I mean women who will admit to ADULTEROUS AFFAIRS with him before the sun goes down. His "break" was probably pressured from his handlers, the advertizers who throw money at him like little kids throw popcorn at the zoo. Sad realy. But I still do not believe we have heard the whole story.

I won't blame his dead father for this mess. But when one hears that his dad used HUMILIATION to motivate him when he was practically still in diapers, one can't help assume he is in reality ONE BIG MESS INSIDE.Why do you think Tiger Wood took a break from professional golf?
Because he got caught with his pants down and it wasn't at home and he doesn't have the guts to face his fans.

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Why do you think Tiger Wood took a break from professional golf?To deal with his family issues, after all the alleged affairs, and to avoid all the questions that will follow all of this.Why do you think Tiger Wood took a break from professional golf?
Tiger is a wimp. Pootie don't roll like that.....I do what I wants to do, not what my wife say.Why do you think Tiger Wood took a break from professional golf?he took a break because he felt that to much was happening at once. and he wants some time to figure out how to solve all of this with his family.

:)Why do you think Tiger Wood took a break from professional golf?
Damage ganer public support because people will believe the bull he's telling. He's only interested in his image. Don't you people get it?
cause he needs to fuuuk some more bittches

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