Thursday, February 9, 2012

What kind of scores/grades does it take to get a scholarship to play on a Division I golf team?

I really want to play college golf and was wondering what you need to have and shoot to be on a Division I team. Would shooting in the high 70s and a 3.6 gpa be good enough?What kind of scores/grades does it take to get a scholarship to play on a Division I golf team?The 3.6 should be fine as a GPA.....I think your scores may be a bit on the high side though....Division 1 depending on the school is a tough division competition wise.What kind of scores/grades does it take to get a scholarship to play on a Division I golf team?
Yes but making a division 1 team may not be as saisfying as it seems. Being on a team does not mean playing time and it could spell practice squad. It may be more enjoyable to go to a school that has players you can compete with and you have a chance at winning tournaments rather than working your butt off to just make it into a tournament. The best advice I have is to plant a lot of seeds and send coaches your information early to get your name out there. Don't put all your eggs in one basket either. Send letters to Division 1, 2, and 3 schools so you can make a good decision come signing day.What kind of scores/grades does it take to get a scholarship to play on a Division I golf team?The few from our area who have become players in Division 1 schools have been very good golfers many times breaking par in state competitions, US amateur qualifying prior to getting a scholarship. Three of the men were better than average students. One had to up his grades at a prep school prior to being accepted. The same person had to go an extra semester to get his degree. As for your present GPA, 3.6 might do it but the high 70s will not for Division 1 competition.What kind of scores/grades does it take to get a scholarship to play on a Division I golf team?
I think it varies by college, but I was hoping to look at getting one myself. I don't think there are requirements where every school is the same. Check with the AD (athletic director) of the college(s) you were hoping to go to.What kind of scores/grades does it take to get a scholarship to play on a Division I golf team?You need to be a plus 2 or 3 handicap to get looked at for D 1 golf. You also need to play and preform well in FCWT and AJGA tournaments. You have good enough grades though.What kind of scores/grades does it take to get a scholarship to play on a Division I golf team?
high 70s isnt good enough you need to be low 70s
good ones

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