Sunday, February 5, 2012

What is a good beer drinking game while playing golf?

I'm playing golf with an old friend tomorrow, and we decided we'll get drunk during the round, but we've been having trouble coming up with a way to make it a competition so that the better golfer drinks more/less (haven't decided on that yet either). Any ideas?What is a good beer drinking game while playing golf?Stay off the course and go to a bar.

Golf courses are for playing golf, bars are for getting drunk. Please don't ruin a day of golf for others.What is a good beer drinking game while playing golf?
Having a beer or two while playing golf is fine, but making a game of it is just asking for trouble.

Drunk people on the golf course is dangerous and extremely disrespectful and frustrating to the course and other golfers.

If you want to make a game out of drinking, please do it at home or at a bar.

If you really want a game of it, play a regular match play match and say the loser has to buy all the beer for everyone later that night when you are off the golf course. That should make it interesting.What is a good beer drinking game while playing golf?There are two things which golfers hate, people who want to get drunk on a course and those who get stupid when they drink. Go out and enjoy the game. Have a brew at the start, complete your round and play for the beers. When you finish shower up . Then go to the bar and drink yourself into a stupor . This way you practice the etiquette of golf and enjoy one anothers company without ruining the day for others who are on the course. Be sure you have a designated driver. You should not be on the road after imbibing.What is a good beer drinking game while playing golf?
x 15 2a is correct.By the way do you plan on walking home after

your afternoon of drinking? Or are you going to get behind the wheel

of your vehicle and endanger other drivers and pedestrians?

If you want to mix golf and alcohol;why don't you and your friend

stay home,watch the Fed Ex Championship and chug a beer each time

a birdie is made?What is a good beer drinking game while playing golf?I got a game called "drink a beer"

if you succeed you win! You get another beer!What is a good beer drinking game while playing golf?

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