Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is there anyway i can buy some golf stuff without my parents noticing?

Is there anyway i can buy some golf stuff without my parents noticing? Im 15 and im intrested in starting to play golf. My parents just dont take this stuff seriously and they will just say it was a waste of money. I cant drive yet and its not exactly easy to fit a club in my pocket. help?Is there anyway i can buy some golf stuff without my parents noticing?Make a case for yourself, in other words prepare your "Pro's and Con's".


1. 4hrs of time fully accountable. Not at a park or mall or parking lot loitering and being unaccountable.

2. Being outside, not in front of a TV, not vegged out in front of a video game, not with fingers on keyboard of a laptop and not attached to a cell phone.

3. Exercise....walk and carry your bag!

4. What the game of golf teaches you. Discipline, Patience, Integrity, Determination, Pride, To think before you act, To deal with disappointment, To believe in yourself, To keep a positive mind. To always do your best and never give up despite the odds against you.

5. High School Golf Team (lessen expenses). Buy used clubs....EBay or see if Golf Coach has loaners.

6. Safer than contact sports, hockey.


1. Money for equipment, practice, games, clothing. (Are you good at mowing lawns, walking dogs, pulling weeds) Golf is a very expensive sport.

2. Time for Homework (What kind of student are you? Can you make sure your grades are maintained or even better...improved)

My thoughts...what do you think, can you add on.

Approach them and discuss it, their response might surprise you, remember have a plan.Is there anyway i can buy some golf stuff without my parents noticing?
Just start working at a golf course. Free golf, and they'd let you borrow the rental clubs. Then if you decide you like golf, have a talk with your parents. I'm sure they'd like their kid performing outdoor activities.Is there anyway i can buy some golf stuff without my parents noticing?Tell them that you have a right to like whatever you want. A lot of people in my family didn't like golf and when I started playing it, they thought it was stupid and that I was wasting money on clubs, etc.

Tell them maybe you'll become pro one day and you'll give them millions of dollars.

But otherwise, the guy above me gave some good advice.Is there anyway i can buy some golf stuff without my parents noticing?
i had an awesome experience playing junior golf growing up, i learned many valuable skills that i still use in business today. i cant think of anything better to get into at your age. if your parents don't want to support you playing golf you should get a job at a course cleaning clubs or carts, working the range or the backshop. theyll let you play for free and im sure youll be able to find some clubs laying around. good luck man, and i hope you join us in this great game.Is there anyway i can buy some golf stuff without my parents noticing?Your own level of commitment didctates how serious your folks will treat this endeavor. If you try things spur of the momment , then speak nothing of them after a short while I can see where they wouldn't jump on board. I say get you a wedge and chip around the back yard for hours , do it several times a week. Once your 'rents can see you are committed , it'll be easier on them to consent.
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