Thursday, February 9, 2012

How much can golf lessons help me?

I am 15 and started golfing about a year ago. I never have had lessons. I currently shoot in the 60s through 9 holes. How much will golf lessons help me. I need to be at 54 to make my high school team and it doesn't start till august. Could golf lessons lower me to or below 54 through 9 holes?How much can golf lessons help me?golf lessons will improve your fundamentals tremendously. You have to have the right grip posture stance and aim before you can even get close to swing right . After you have solid fundamentals you have a shot at better hitting. Yes lessons help ! But its up to you to practice and apply knowledge . Some say knowledge is power however that is only a half truth . "Applied knowledge is power". If you gotta shave 6 strokes in two months you biggest improvements can be made with getting your chips closer to the hole to eliminate the dreaded three putt. And putt till dark everyday . get the ball rolling off the putter in a straight line , then reading the break is easier once you know you are hitting it pure. Good luck , its worth the effort !How much can golf lessons help me?try this

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How much can golf lessons help me?Maybe. If you practice diligently, listen to what your instructor says you will drop to 54 by the time high school golf arrives. As a member of a high school golf team not too long ago, I can tell you right now that you'll need to do more chipping and putting practice than you've ever done in your life. I would take my ipod to the putting and chipping green and just spend 2 hours with short putts and long putts only. Short putts help with accuracy and long putts help with green speed.

Definitely get a coach if you want to improve your game, though. If you don't make the team this year, don't be upset, just practice and get even better, maybe shooting in the 40s by the time the next year rolls around. Good luck!

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