Thursday, February 9, 2012

Can someone give me tips on unlocking characters on Mario Golf on N64?

I would like to do this on my own if possible so any tips on playing a better round on Mario Golf would be greatly appreciated. But if I still cant unlock them I would like any codes to unlock any of the characters.Can someone give me tips on unlocking characters on Mario Golf on N64?Bonus Characters

Complete the given task to obtain each bonus character:

Character Task

Luigi Defeat Luigi in versus mode

Yoshi Unlock Luigi, then defeat Yoshi in versus mode

Sunny Unlock Yoshi, then defeat Sonny in versus mode

Wario Unlock Sonny, then defeat Wario in versus mode

Harry Unlock Wario, then defeat Harry in versus mode

Mario Unlock Harry, then defeat Mario in versus mode

Mable Collect fifty coins in tournament mode

Donkey Kong Collect thirty coins in ring mode

Bowser Unlock Mario, then defeat Bowser in versus mode

Metal Mario Collect all 108 birdie badges

Password Screen

To access the password screen, highlight the fourth menu option at the Main Menu, then press and hold Z followed by R and A. The password inserter will appear in the next menu.

Koopa Park

To play in Koopa Park, go to the password screen and enter the password "QTM5MV4H".

Mario Star Course

To access the Mario Star course, get 2,200 points after first unlocking the first four (five total) other courses.

Nintendo Power Tournament

Enter KPXWN9N3 on the code screen. You will now get to a tournament on Toad Highlands. When you finish that tournament you will get a password.

A Little More Yardage

When the ball hits the ground, continuously you tap Z or A to have the ball move a farther.

Replay hole

Pause the game during your turn on the hole to be replayed. Select the "Save And Quit" option to save the game. Then, select the "Continue" option from the main menu to tee off from the same hole.

Easy way to get Birdie Badges

Start off by just selecting a normal tournament. Your goal is to get a Birdie or better on every hole, or beat the character in the Get Character Mode. If you ever get to the point where you are about to NOT get a Birdie on any hole, just use the "replay hole" trick documented above.

Donkey Kong Intro

After you get DK, go to the code screen and type in a nonsense code (ie: 000000). It will say the code is wrong. Now exit and go to the Main menu where it is flashing "Press Start". Wait there until the opening movie comes on and then watch the movie, where Yoshi and Baby Mario used to come out, now you will see DK and Baby Mario come out. Note: This code only works when you first go to the code screen.

Unlimited Power Shots

If you get a perfect shot ("Nice shot!") while using a power shot, the number of power shots won't go down.

Fireballs and Rainbows

To get a fireball use a 1D club and have power on. If you get a perfect score, your golf ball will turn into a fireball. To get a rainbow, do the same method as the fireball but use a 4W club.

Golf Left-Handed

At the character selection screen, hold L and select a character.

Taunts and Compliments

Not only can you press the C-Buttons for 4 different player taunts, but you can also press the control pad buttons for 4 more player taunts and compliments.

All Clubs in Club Slots

Pick all three stars in clubs slots and get all clubs to choose from.

Change your Outfits

When you're choosing your character, you can change the outfits by holding one of the C-Buttons.


Jump to: Code (1) Cheat (6)

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Ultimate Cheat Code

At the title screen-when the words 'Press Start' appear-press Down, Down, Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right on the D-pad, then C Down, C Down, C Left, C Left, C Left, C Right, C Right, C Right. You'll hear a signal to confirm the code. Now check the character-select screen; you'll find that all the characters have been unlocked. (If you're wondering why there are still empty slots at the character-select screen, it's because the bottom four spaces are reserved for characters who have been created in the Game Boy Color version of Mario Golf and have been transferred to the N64 with the use of the Game Boy Transfer Pak.) This code unlocks all the courses and tournaments (except for course 6) and marks all of the Ring Shot challenges with a gold star. Note: This code will essentially wipe out all of your saved accomplishments; basically, it tells the game to register all of the game's goals as having been completed.

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Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: godofgame67 on October 21, 2008

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Cool Codes

To get to the password screen, Press R+Z+A while entering the clubhouse. You will know that you did it right if you hear Toad shout "OK!"

Here are a few codes:


Mode: Tournament. Where: Koopa park.Who: Your choice


Mode: Speed Golf. Where:Toad Highlights. Who: Maple


Mode: Stroke. Where: Mario Star. Who: Once again, your choice.


Mode: Stroke. Where: Koopa park. Who: Baby Mario


Mode: Stroke. Where: Yoshi's Island. Who: Metal Mario

Verify this cheat I would like to report a problem with this cheat

Verified by: this cheat is unverified Submitted by: Eagleeye on December 22

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