Thursday, January 26, 2012

When will golf courses be made illegal throughout the world?

It's well established now both that global warming is a very real international crisis akin to the threat of nuclear holocaust in its end result, and the threat is increasing with every day, and every plane taken by every traveller, and every car taken down the road. .. and every golf course that uses water that spreads fertilizer and pesticide around the near countryside, when the land could be returned to native trees for more oxygen for us all, and for birds to in turn help promote growth of more trees elsewhere.

People travel across the world just to see 'beautiful nature' and go hiking amongst the trees in New Zealand - more than the number of people who go there to play golf - so for local tourist opportunities in other countries too, it makes sense to plant more trees, and reduce, reuse and recycle old golf courses.

Save the world! Reclaim your local golf course for nature, the birds, the trees, and oxygen for you and your grandchildren to breath, now!When will golf courses be made illegal throughout the world?Golf courses in general are not a big environmental issue unless they are build in areas with low rainfall and thus low water resources. e.g. in Spain where golf courses are a major drain on the countries water supplyWhen will golf courses be made illegal throughout the world?
If we did not have the local golf course where it is they would have built houses on it.

I much prefer the land now, they have planted 1000 trees and lots of grass.

That looks quite like nature to me.When will golf courses be made illegal throughout the world?Oh for goodness sake, stop being a Chicken Little. Global warming is nowhere near as serious as a nuclear holocaust, humans are great at adapting.

You don't have to give up your life and return to the caves to save the Earth, just reduce pollution and stop worrying :)When will golf courses be made illegal throughout the world?
Regardless of the threat or severity of global warming, golf courses don't have much to do with it. Global warming is caused by the emission of greenhouse gases from things like cars and factories. You were right on when you suggested that heavy travel could potentially contribute to global warming, but the use of pesticides on golf courses is an entirely different type of environmental crisis. Specifically, the runoff from such establishments can cause big die-offs in local lakes and rivers, which upsets food chains and can have major economic consequences. It makes sense to ban the use of pesiticides on golf courses not because of global warming, but because it could very easily threaten the livelihood of a great number of people.

Rahidz, the threat to humans is only PART of what has us worried about global warming. Every major ecosystem can be affected, particularly if the major global currents that redistribute heat are altered. As with pesticide run-off, that will hurt us in the long run, since we still depend greatly on our environment for survival, no matter how much a lot of people would like to argue otherwise.

Metaldog, I admire your commitment to improving the environment. You're right; it's the only planet we've got, so we'd better start taking better care of it.When will golf courses be made illegal throughout the world?No one in power is going to ban them, they all play golf.

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