Thursday, January 26, 2012

What is that little number on a golf ball?

I always see a number above or bellow the name of the golf ball. I've seen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 00, and 11 and i dont know what it means. Is the larger or lower number better? Is it like the weight or something please answer it in the best detail you can.What is that little number on a golf ball?The numbers are primarily for identification. Prior to teeing off in a tournament or friendly match, each player will show the other the brand and the number on the ball. In the state tournaments in CT, we go a step further. In addition to the number we request that each player place a mark on his ball that is his own and different from all the other players. More than once has this come into play at the state level and the unique marks saved the player penalty strokes for playing the wrong ball.What is that little number on a golf ball?
It's just to identify the ball, in a tournament we can both be using a prov1 but mine is numbered 7 and yours is 1 so we'll know wich one is yours and wich one is mine.What is that little number on a golf ball?All the balls are the same. All it does is give you an edge when you are trying to identify you own. So if I use a 1 you can use a 2 and we can tell them apart.What is that little number on a golf ball?
it is just another way to identify your ball from the people that you are playing with.What is that little number on a golf ball?hi

just like they all say!

hope this helps

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