Monday, January 23, 2012

How do read a read a golf putt on a putting green?

What is the best way to read a golf put,I see some players holding their putters up and closing one eye?How do read a read a golf putt on a putting green?Look at the topography AROUND the green:

Is one side of the green significantly higher than the other? Is your ball located near or far away from that highest side?

Are there low spots near to the green, like bunkers or lakes? Specifically, are these positioned BELOW the level of the putting surface?

Take a look at the general geography of your environment. Are there mountains or a valley to one side of the green?

Basically, start in your general area near the green and expand the notion of "high points vs. low points" out to actual landmasses. Obviously, unless you are near or in the mountains that may not always apply, but gauging break simply by finding high and low points around the green will always help.

Ultimately, simply getting a reasonable feel for break is all you need. Once you have identified the general direction of break via high points and low points, your biggest effort should be in judging the DISTANCE of the putt and how hard to hit it. Accuracy is not nearly as important as distance control.

Properly gauged distance will always leave your putt close to the hole, regardless of how accurate your line is.......whereas focusing on break may give you the most accurate line but your ball could still stay well short or roll far past the hole. This way,

EVEN IF YOUR PUTT NEVER HAS A CHANCE TO GO IN, AT LEAST YOU WILL HAVE A SHORT 2ND PUTT!How do read a read a golf putt on a putting green?the best way to do it is to look at the putt from different angles. read the green and determine the slope by looking at which way the green is angled and therefore which way the ball will roll when you putt it. maybe get down lower to the ground and you can see the slope better. after a while of golfing instinct kicks in and you will know which way the green breaks better.How do read a read a golf putt on a putting green?I will try to read where the putt is breaking first off and locate something on the green to aim for. If you notice on the side of mostly all golf balls for example the Pro V1's on the side hof the ball it says Pro V1 with two arrows, I will line the arrows where I want the putt to go. This will also help me with my aiming. Then you have to make sure you know the speed and if it's up hill or down and the breaking. Hope this Helps!How do read a read a golf putt on a putting green?
I have been using this method for a couple of years and it has really helped me putt a lot better.

What I do is get down to one knee or whatever you want to do to get down to ball level.

Then I just stare at the putt, don't think about it just let my eyes look from the ball to the hole.

Then i stand up line myself up and do a couple of practise swings, and then go up and hit my putt.

I usually putt around 28-34 putts a round and 3 putt like once every 4 rounds

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