Thursday, January 26, 2012

What are the huge balls on a golf course for?

I've seen these large balls on a golf course. They are usually multi colored. What are they used for?What are the huge balls on a golf course for?I believe you are talking about the tee boxes, where you first tee up your ball to hit (your first shot). There are 2 big balls (markers) and you must tee your ball up in between and behind them, so everyone tees off it around the same area. The reason there is a few on each hole is because there's ones for the Men's, Women's, and Junior's (may vary depending on course) the Men's are typically farther back then the Women's and the Women's are farther back then the mens. Hoped this helped :)What are the huge balls on a golf course for?The tee boxes. You drive from thereWhat are the huge balls on a golf course for?Most golfers lie and say that they are to mark the tee boxes, but they just say that to keep non-golfers in the dark. They are actually very high powered magnets, or ferromagnatites if you want to get technical. Anyway, they interact with our body chemistry and provide us with super strength and concentration that is required to perform on the golf course. They also interfere with cell phone signals and digital cameras which are a major distraction on the course.

Hopefully they cannot track me through Yahoo answers, or I will be banned from golf for eternity for revealing this long held secret.What are the huge balls on a golf course for?
The large balls you see on the tee boxes designate the starting points for the seniors, women, regular course and the long course . Most places have gold for the seniors, red for the women, white for the regular course and blue for the long or championship course.
  • tess gerritsen
  • tess gerritsen
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