Thursday, January 26, 2012

How much does the average parent spend on their children's junior golf annually?

This question would apply to the families that are playing regional and nationally competitive schedules for a majority of the year (at least 8- 10 tournaments annually) in order to be recruited and eventually play NCAA Div. 1 golf?How much does the average parent spend on their children's junior golf annually?My guess would be 20 to 30K per year in travel expenses and entry fees

You can reduce that amount by allowing your child to travel alone and arrange housing at tournament sites for them

My club hosts an AJGA event every year and we always take in at least one or two participants. I'm certain that every club has a similar program in placeHow much does the average parent spend on their children's junior golf annually?I'm part of a great golf club where they do tournaments nearly every month. The average is probably $300 to $400.How much does the average parent spend on their children's junior golf annually?Probably too much! Or not enough! Depending on how good the kid is!

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