Thursday, January 26, 2012

How is prize money allocated in ameteur golf?

Ive found a list of golf competitions in the UK for individuals. They all say there is 1st 2nd and 3rd place prizes but they dont state how much they are?

Entry is around 拢50 per player does first place get a specific % of the pot at the end?How is prize money allocated in ameteur golf?jason G is incorrect and i partially agree with grizzo, but his wording is a little weird and not in layman's terms. you can receive up to 750 USD of a prize in an amateur golf competition.

however, that's not the question. you're asking the people of Yahoo Answers (most are American btw) about a specific UK golf competition. how would we know how they distribute their prizes? there's no standard across the board how tournament sponsors give out prizes. I would call the golf course or tournament sponsor and ask that question... common sense dude.How is prize money allocated in ameteur golf?Rule 3.1 In amateur status An amateur golfer may participate in an event where prize money or its equivalent is offered,p provided that prior to match he waives his right to Accent prize money in the event

rule 7-2 in amateur status An amateur golfer must not take any action,including actions relating to golf gamblingHow is prize money allocated in ameteur golf?Amateur means without prize money so contact the tournament office and find out what "prizes" mean (trophies, coupons for meals, etc.). You will be playing against other amateurs so make certain you get the right answer.

Spartawo...How is prize money allocated in ameteur golf?
That's easy. There is none. Amateurs don't get paid or else they lose their amateur status. You have to be careful with those tournaments because you won't be able to enter an amateur event if you accept money.

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