Thursday, January 26, 2012

What can I do to make my golf swing look very professional?

I am a high school student and I am trying out for my school's golf team. I'm worried that my scores may not be good enough for my schools team (appx. 16 handicap), but I need some tips to at least make my SWING look good. Golfers, any tips would be appreciatedWhat can I do to make my golf swing look very professional?I would recommend a lesson or two. You can dress for success but that still won't make you a success. Scoring makes you a success. Learn to score and you can forget what the swing "looks" like. Low scores win, looks don't

Stick to the basics...grip, club face alignment, stance, posture, proper weight shift on the back swing, proper shoulder turn behind the ball, weight shift forward, allow rear elbow to drop to your hip pocket and follow through with your swing and finish with your belt buckle facing your target and all your weight on your front foot. That is it.....basically.

Good luck!What can I do to make my golf swing look very professional?
Take all the time you need.What can I do to make my golf swing look very professional?Well, watch the golf channel and practice. Golf is a sport that a 70 year old guy can beat a 20 year old. It is all from practice.

Remember that your drive is one swing, you will spend more time with an iron than with a driver in your hand. It is a mistake people make a lot when at a driving range. And when driving at a driving range, set a target, not a distance. Pick a distance flag, or tree, and see how consistent your aim is with your driver.
Practice in front of a large mirror. Swing in very slow motion. Watch Fred Couples.What can I do to make my golf swing look very professional?Choose a professional golfer, and copy their swing positions. Try to pick a swing from a golfer with the same height as you. If you can repeat their swing positions and weight distributions, you can develop a very similar swing.

Most issues of Golf Digest with have a pull out of a professionals swing shot from 3 different angles.What can I do to make my golf swing look very professional?
You don't want a cool golf swing. If you change your golf swing and it doesn't feel right, don't swing like that. I am a basketball/golf player and you should just swing the way you naturally would. A cool swing won't get you on the golf team.
Try out this :Golf Swing Eureka! Groundbreaking %26amp; New

I decided it was time that EVERY amateur golfer opened their eyes to the golf swing just like me and join the 1% of golfers who have a swing like the pro's.What can I do to make my golf swing look very professional?
Two things can make you look like a pro overnight, and, eventually help your swing.

The first is STANCE. A "hacker" (forgive the term) is easy to spot on the tee because of his/her stance. Find out what a good stance is (I recommend Hit Down Fundamentals at or on ebay) and work on that. Believe me, your golf coach will notice, and credit you for potential; something he/she can work with.

The second is, keep your swing compact (short). Again, "hackers" are easy to spot because of their huge backswings, and huge lunges at the ball. Keep your backswing short, and hit down at the ball. (Hackers hit up at the ball, another thing your golf coach will notice.) Short sweet swings will make you look more professional, lead to overall better shots, and will nurture your swing for the future. Good luck!
Watch the Bobby Jones Movie.
get to work on your short game...its the best way to get your handicap from 16-10.

someone will always hit the ball further than you cause of strength, flexibility etc...BUT you have no excuse not to have the best short game...TRUST ME...i am 3 handicap..played college golf...etc...and its all about the short game !!!
Tempo !......Slow has to stop at the top and switch directions anyway, so there is no need to bring it back too will knock you out of position....Don't try to swing hard just swing smooth...go Tempo...and finish with a big turn....

Either get video or a full length mirror...go to your local library and get Fred Couple's tape on Tempo...and swing in front of your mirror...It will happen....But I think he has the Best Tempo
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