Monday, January 23, 2012

What happened with charles barkley and golf?

What happened with Charles Barkley. Did he quit golf or what. The last I heard of him was when he was in that haney project thing. Did he fix his swing. Is he playing better now, the same, or just stopped playing?What happened with charles barkley and golf?he has taken a leave of abences from golf and will not return to the haney project. he is still play his crappy golf he used to cant even swing decent has a bigger hitch than i ever seen before. he should quit for the sake of his prideWhat happened with charles barkley and golf?
Honestly I think the whole C.B. swing fix was pure Hollywood. Does CB have/had a problem in his swing, yes probably. CB used to be a very good golfer with a single digit handicap. He is also a former professional athlete. So you take a very good athlete, who used to play excellent golf, put him with the very best instructor for hours and hours of instruction and he can't fix the problem...No way.....Honestly all CB has to do is to learn to "pull the trigger"...he has an excellent short game and a very good putter....What happened with charles barkley and golf?He should stop playing and just quit the sport. That show was a joke and Barkley acted like a stupid ex athlete. Barkley is way past his prime and really shouldn't be remembered for much other than occasionally spitting on the audience at basketball games. That show was a major distraction for me when it aired on the Golf Channel.What happened with charles barkley and golf?
I love Sir Charles, but he has gotten so fat I doubt he can swing any club longer than a putter.

Barkley is very bright and has a great personality. He needs to lay off the Krispy Kreme donuts and trim down. I am worried about his health.What happened with charles barkley and golf?Sir Charles is a great guy. I look forward to seeing him on the golf course or wherever. As far as the weight goes, it is called getting older and less active----I can relate.What happened with charles barkley and golf?
The two (golf and Barkley) are mutually exclusive. One should NEVER say the word 'barkley' in the same sentence with 'golf' as one has absolutely no relevance to the other. Now, what was your question?
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