Monday, January 30, 2012

Does anybody else ever have trouble seeing their Golf shot?

There's nothing more annoying than hitting a Golf shot and not seeing where it ends up. Does anybody have any tips to help ensure this never happens?Does anybody else ever have trouble seeing their Golf shot?I rarely see where my drive lands, no matter how light or dark it is outside. I can normally see it when it takes off, and when it's in mid-flight, so I know where it's headed. I normally just golf with a friend and have them watch the ball for me. I've tried sunglasses and hats, nothing works.Does anybody else ever have trouble seeing their Golf shot?
A proper pair of sunglasses can help, sure cuts down the glare and the need to squint.

But many of us have the same problem the older we get.

As an older experienced guy said long ago said, that made me laugh,

"If you can't tell where it's going, hit it straighter or get glasses."

But you can also try one of the various colored balls on the market, I can always pick those out when playing with someone that uses them.Does anybody else ever have trouble seeing their Golf shot?I think we all have this problem on the course depending on the type of shot, shadows, sun, etc. Like retired pro mention maybe try the colored balls if it is a big problem for you. Other things to try is make sure you wear a cap, hat or visor, sunglasses, anything that will help against the glare.Does anybody else ever have trouble seeing their Golf shot?
Use a bright colored ball or get glasses that brighten the landscape. I played with a guy that wore yellow tinted glasses so it made the surroundings brighter. I guess in your case, always play with at least 2 other people so they can watch your shots as well.Does anybody else ever have trouble seeing their Golf shot?I had the same problem, I have great eyes but for some reason I would lose my ball often. I got some amber lens sunglasses and that had helped me see the ball better. They also cut UV light down without making the lenses too dark.

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