Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to get more accurate shots in golf?

I just started golf and I noticed that I am doing very bad. I am shooting 10 strokes more than what I usually do. The reason for this is because I keep hitting the ball short and it doesn't get up high enough. How can I make my strokes accurate? I always miss a stroke or two every hole. This may be because of my stance( how far away from the ball I should stand). I really need to shave my strokes off! It may also be my backswing. Please help!How to get more accurate shots in golf?wow you have opened many cans of worms already. Lets look one at a time. First you "hit the ball short and it does not get up high enough." Is this the drive or the approach shot? With your irons you should hit down on the ball to make it go up. This is why irons have different lofts. If you are talking about your driver it is different. First the ball should be lined up around the inside of your front foot. Your feet should NOT be set wider than your shoulders. You shorten your backswing and restrict your swing plane if they are set too wide. The farther you move the ball toward the middle of your stance the lower it will go because you take the loft out of the driver. Use your 3 wood as it has more loft, more sweetspot, and it wont be much difference in length. For new players a 3 wood is consistantly longer. Consistance is what you want in golf. Your distance away from the ball is simply measured by the club. Set the club on the ground with your left hand on the grip and stand where you are comfortable. You should not be leaning over. You should be balanced on your feet. Try standing on just your left foot and hitting it. This is a good drill for getting your weight shift correct. When you move the ball from your front foot to the middle a little can make a big difference. As Harvey Penick said, "If I give you a bottle of asprin only take one at a time." The same goes for changing your grip.How to get more accurate shots in golf?make sure your back is straight and your keeping eye on ball also bend knees a lil

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