Thursday, January 26, 2012

If I hit a golf ball into a house on a golfcourse, am I liable for the damages?

I've asked several people about this, and I've received various responses. If I play on a golf course with houses lined up close to the course, and I hit a slice into the house, do I have to pay for the damages or are the homeowners responsible since they chose to live on the golf course?If I hit a golf ball into a house on a golfcourse, am I liable for the damages?Unless it was intentional, and can be proved, then no you are not liable. It's called assumption of risk. If you choose to purchase a home that is on the golf course you should know what to expect.If I hit a golf ball into a house on a golfcourse, am I liable for the damages?
Two times this happened to me. Once I rolled a golf cart down a hill and completely destroyed it, the hill was slippery with dew. In that instance my homeowners policy paid for it.

In the second incident I hit a golf ball through a kitchen window (2 panes). The lady came out to the out of bounds tossing the ball in the air asking if it was mine. I told her it was, asked her if she would take ten dollars for the broken window and she did.If I hit a golf ball into a house on a golfcourse, am I liable for the damages?its called common courtosey. pick up the damages and look like a gentelman.
I was wondering this too, since this is becoming more common. So here is what i was thinking:

1. When you see hole flags fairly close to the buildings, chances are they are putting holes for practice. If you live on a golf course you better know how to putt.

2. The actual golf holes go sideways to the building till it's nearly impossible to make a straight aim for the windows.

3. The windows themselves are made to deflect objects such as golfballs. Such plastics and glass exist but they are very expensive. Even though they may not break, they might get scuffed up. They probably change out the windows on a regular bases when they get too scuffed up.If I hit a golf ball into a house on a golfcourse, am I liable for the damages?You have damaged homeowner's thing so you should pay him moneyIf I hit a golf ball into a house on a golfcourse, am I liable for the damages?
the homeowners insurance would go after the golf courses people for their insurance to would just fill out a statment.
try answering this question if you were the homeowner...If I hit a golf ball into a house on a golfcourse, am I liable for the damages?
Yes, although the golf course might have it covered. Otherwise, yes.
If it was done intentionally, yes. However, the burden of proof is on the owner.

If it was done by accident, no worries.
i don't think so, if i'm not mistaken this is mentioned in the rules of golf book, there is "inherant risk" when building/purchasing a home on a golf course, ask yourself this question, if a baseball damages a car parked along the foul line at a little league baseball game, is that child's parents responsible of paying for the damages, i don't think so.
I live on a lake and don't expect boater in my yard, let alone the house!

You are responsible as far as most course's are concerned.

Some clubs offer protection under their policies for members and some provide coverage for guests at a cost.

If the culprit was no known, the homeowners' policy would then be exposed.
You're good,they took the risk and so did their insurance co
Most golf course have insurance for this stuff...check with them.
let me ask you.....if YOU hit the ball into someone else window are YOU at fault and liable? What do YOU think?
Its a victomless crime, just like punching someone in the dark
Good question. I would guess that you do.
No, the golf courses ins. co. picks up the tab
run away fast!
Hell no!
well if they LIVE on the golf course, odds are that you're probably not the first to do it. plus, it is probably either covered by the club or their homeowners insurance.
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