Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why do they put duck decoys on golf courses?

My husband and I live on a golf course, but we don't play. When we walk the trails in the neighborhood, there are duck decoys all over the place on the golf course. Why are the duck decoys there? What are they supposed to do?Why do they put duck decoys on golf courses?Golf course's do things to keep ducks away from the ponds on the course.Why do they put duck decoys on golf courses?
Decorate the golf course. Making it more close to nature. =)Why do they put duck decoys on golf courses?They're there so you can get a birdie (I've hit birds with golf balls before).Why do they put duck decoys on golf courses?
to attract more ducks to the ponds.Why do they put duck decoys on golf courses?So the ducks don't congregate and crap all over the place.Why do they put duck decoys on golf courses?
the ducks are to attract more birds to that are probably away from the course just like in the notheast they try fake coyotes to try and keep the canada geese away. it does'nt work geese are smart and unless you move the fakes a lot they ignore them

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