Sunday, February 5, 2012

What sales discount would I need to afford a Golf Set?

I have $450 to spend, and a gold set regularly costs $600, with a tax of 15%. What sales discount will the sports store need to offer on the golf set in order for me to be able to afford the Gold Set?

I have tried answering this question multiple times, and I still can not get the correct answer or method for that matter. Could someone please help me out, if at least just a hint. Thank you.What sales discount would I need to afford a Golf Set?$450=1.15n (one whole plus your 15% tax)

$391.30434=n (regular price before tax)

$391.31= $600 x n%


65.21833=n (this is how much of the original price you can afford)

so you need a discount of about 34.78%

It's not exact and I'm sure there isw a much easier way to get your answer but I've never done math the easy way :)

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