Thursday, February 2, 2012

What is the hardest skill to master in Golf?

Driving? Pitching? Chipping? Putting? Course Management? Mental Game? Others?

What do you think is the hardest part to learn in golf that seperates Tiger Woods from the rest?What is the hardest skill to master in Golf?The hardest skill to learn for an amateur golfer is the ability to make a repeating swing. Even if a given swing is flawed, if it's repeatable and the results are predictable, you will have the ability to shoot a good round. I don't believe most amateurs possess this skill.

When you're talking about Tiger's level, professional golfers at the highest level all have swings that are repeating and all other parts of their games are predictably world class.....when it comes to being Tiger or being Furyk or Singh, it's all about the intangibles and confidence in what you're doing on the course. The swing certianly plays a part, as do putting and chipping and iron play....but there is a reason why Tiger rarely, if ever, will get beat head to head when he has the lead....because he possesses an intangible that the others do not have, or have not developed....this is what sets him apart....and it's what has always set the greatest players apart....rarely do you see them collapse and give tournaments away because of mental errors or swing malfunctions. (Greg Norman being one of the rare exceptions to this rule).

Good Luck!What is the hardest skill to master in Golf?
Mental game. Golf is 80% mental and 20% mental. Tiger is better than anyone at the mental side of golf.What is the hardest skill to master in Golf?The hardest is pitching since situations come up that you may never practice. It's all about feel and previous experience. However, mental affects the whole game because if your swing is good or bad it comes down to decision making.

Tiger has unbelievable natural physical talents and his imagination is so much greater than other players because he has more capability to perform more shots. I think his shot making, approaches, are awesome to watch. He can work it high,low, left, right and adjust distances and spin with all his clubs. Just fun to watch. His putting is unbelievable, too.
consistancy. Anyone can birdie a hole or two in a round, but it is the consistancy that sets us apart from the pros. How many people can consistancy come out and have good days on each of the? Alot of this comes from ball striking, which people cannot do consistantly well at. Its a hard ability to master. If you struck the ball cleanly on 99% of your shots, then you would probably be a pro. (providing that you can putt). Its the mishits and hooks and slices that kill our rounds and help to separate us from the pros.What is the hardest skill to master in Golf?For me personally it is Driving. If I can get a good drive I am usually in good shape to score well.

Overall I think Tiger excels at all of those qualities and that is what makes him so good.What is the hardest skill to master in Golf?
golf is a game that lies between your ears..the brain has all the starts with keeping your head still..and i mean still//get you some videos and watch how pro golfers every may want to get someone to film you praticeing.and look at your arent ready until you feel you cant go wrong with what you feel..and if you have anyother questions please email me at
a consistent swing seems to be my major problem. then club selection which has a lot to do with a good swing. i sometimes try a club with too much loft and swing from my butt to make the distance when another club with and easy swing would have done the trick.

as for Tiger Woods, wow. the man is so natural and can do things with a golf club that are amazing. once in a long while an athlete comes along that is just the best and can do things others can't. like Wayne Gretzky in hockey.

keeping your cool and enjoying the game even when you're not having a good round is also tough. followed closely by a skill that no one gives enough credit to. finding your ball in the trees.

i am not that good of a golfer but the smiles and fun and socializing are the best part of the game for me.What is the hardest skill to master in Golf?
I don't know if it is the toughest to master, but I would say mental game is most important. In order to play your best game, you must concentrate for the entire round. You need to think of a strategy (target) for each shot, what swing to use for that shot (draw, fade, high, low), visualize each shot and then finally get to the physical part of actually hitting the shot. but if you haven't planned the shot first, just hitting it probably won't result in a very good score.
Short Game hands down. You can't play on tour with an average short game.
Putting, course management, and mental game. You can get yourself out of trouble by putting very well. You can't get yourself out of trouble by hitting the ball good and not putting good.

But yeah, I say Putting, course management and mental.

Tiger Woods, is the best player in the world because he is the best par putter in the world and he avoids the wrong areas of the course, but when he does, he doesn't get mad and just gets out of the bad area, never makes a mess of a hole.
The hardest skill to master is putting.

A repeatable swing can be taught, practiced and accomplished.

Confidence with a full swing or short game can be groomed.

Pressure putting is much harder that pressure hitting.

Putting separates the men form the boys!

Speed, pace, reading break, reading grain, differences from course to course (every course is pretty much the same in the air) differences form green to green.

This is an extremely difficult skill to master, and it can be described as innate. Either you have it, or you don’t.
swing you can repeat over @ over so the face is square on impact.
Composure is the hardest to can't teach it.

the thing about Tiger is he's learning to let the game come to him...for example: in his earlier years he would want to win soo bad that sometimes his impatience led him to hit a bad shot that would cost him a tournament .. he would force the issue...Now he understands (especially in a Major) that just because he's 5 down on the back nine he still has a chance to win....He knows that the leaders are going to feel the pressure, the nervousness, and are going to make some bogeys along the there is no need to force anything..

the game comes to him...then the opportunity will present itself for him to make a run at some birdies or eagles.

He's the Best
for me putting is the hardest. I have been golfing since i was 7 I ma STILL no good at putting (im 14 now)
Patience and will to master the game playing all 18 holes. also putting is hard. Its tough
For Me ,8 months playing, scoring 100 to 106 Just two things.Not to think about the final score, if boogey if I par if i birdie etc. Second come out of a bad shot, ob, water. etc After i manage those 2 things i will be hitting high 90s.
Hitting the perfectly straight ball is probably the hardest skill to master.

Ali T.
Wraping your putter around a tree without any over lap!

Hit'em straight
Patience and putting. I think its the combination of his putting and iron play that sets him apart from the rest. He sticks it close from within 200 yards, and three putt less than 10 times all year last year. That's less than once per tournament. WOW%26gt;)
hardest skill to master in golf is the folp shot thats why phil is the best in the world at this and the other thing you have to get along with everyone example of this lookat tiger vs phil they do not even speak to one another
I think the mental game is really the most important thing to master. Golf may be the ultimate 'retirement' sport because it's simple to play and looks relaxing, but if you're in it to win it, it can get very frustrating. It's important for golfers to keep their mind calm and focused, because frustration is very common in golf. If you make a bad tee shot, and you get a little frustrated, that carries over to your next shot and the one after that, and it can really have a domino effect. Both your mind and body need to be calm and relaxed to be good at golf.

The mental game might be the most important skill to master, but it may not be the hardest. I think the hardest is the chipping/short-game. It's quite easy for people to hit a good tee shot... and some find it very easy to putt. But the short-game/chipping is hard because you need to master the right strength with the accuracy. A fraction of less or more strength, or a fraction of too right or too left can really ruin the shot. It's what's in between the driving/tee-shot and the putting that is important. Tiger is one of the best at the 'inbetween' stuff. He's not that good at driving... his teeshots often go into trees, bunkers, and off the fairway... but it's his second and third shots that really give him the opportunity to win tournies. Mickelson has a very good short game as well, which is probably the reason he's often #2.
for me its patience but that just me for some its driving others chipping or putting i guess it all just depends
There is no hardest skill to master. All are so hard that no one has ever truly mastered any. Some people have just been more successful than most because they have practiced enough to limit the lapses that they make.

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