Sunday, February 5, 2012

What are some fun games or contests for a golf tournament?

I am planning a golf tournament and I need ideas for fun games/contests to be part of the tounament, besides the usual longest drive, closest-to-the-pin, skins, etc.What are some fun games or contests for a golf tournament?I've played in an outing where they had a dart board set up at a par 3 and for the contest you threw a dart to determine which club you'd use. Getting a Bullseye gave you your choice of club, but then each of the other numbers on the dart board corresponded to another club in the bag.

Since there are 20 numbers on a dart board and only 13 clubs (not counting the putter) in the bag, there were seven numbers on the dart board that were duplicate clubs. If the person got their ball on the green using the club designated by throwing a dart, they won a sleeve of titleist golf balls (donated by a local company with their logo on them).

One final note, the contest shot did not count for their regular shot on the hole, unless the golfer wanted it to. If they didn't want to use it, they got another shot at the green with their regular club (but the result with their regular club didn't count toward the contest).What are some fun games or contests for a golf tournament?I have played in a tournament that plays poker. You choose 5 random holes and at the end whoever has the best poker hand with the 5 holes wins (obviously the lower score is better).What are some fun games or contests for a golf tournament?How about a golf cart drag race.

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