Thursday, February 9, 2012

Since when did playing golf become an impeachable offense?

Every president plays golf and no president works or could work 16 hours a day seven days a week. How could anyone be dumb enough to fall for such a stupid political smear?Since when did playing golf become an impeachable offense?It's not just playing golf,

OUR President spends too much time f---in around when the oil spill happened that he is SOLELY responsible for the environmental disaster that has occured on the shores of Louisiana, Florida and Alabama! Let me explain why. First, Louisiana governor Jindahl had a plan to prevent the oil from coming ashore but he had to petition the White House (WH) for approval. Obama did NOT even call him back for 3 weeks, then said NO, becuz his experts had to research it first and by then it was way too late. Second, w/in 3 days of the explosion, 13, count them 13 countries offered help and equipment that the US was too stupid to have ready that would have kept the spill contained by over 75% and he said NO because he is in bed with big UNIONS and would not repeal the JONES ACT (look it up) that prevents any foreign help. (BTW, Andy Stern has been the #1 visitor to the WH) Bush repealed the Jones Act for Katrina and 9/11 because we needed the help. Even WH advisors have pressed Obama to waive the act. America helps the world out consistently and it's only quid pro quo to accept their help in leiu of a huge natural disaster the likes that this globe has never seen!

See, if Obama sits on his *** and lets this become a disaster that will take yrs to clean up, he feels he can get Cap and Trade passed (because "you can't let a good crisis go to waste") so he can further ruin this country economically when we're already pressed. ( he has begun to lay the ground work this week in his speech )

There are miles of boom sitting in warehouses in the US, skimmers sitting in dockage and other US resources not being used at this time that would further soften the blow from this crisis. This info does not come from Glenn Beck, who's truth scares the crap out of people, it is fact from the news. It is Becks Job ( he is a commentator ) to keep track of ANY news that can impact the American people.Since when did playing golf become an impeachable offense?
If Bush played Golf or went fishing during the Hurricane Katrina catastrophe the libs would be all over him....funny how not much is being said about Obama hosting events at the white house with celebrities, attending baseball games, and playing golf all in the same week as our Gulf floods with oil.

Why doesnt he do something productive like lift the Jones act to allow the Dutch oil spill response ships in to help in the clean up? They`re designed specifically for that, unlike the fishing trawlers rigged with short booms to corral surface oil.Since when did playing golf become an impeachable offense?facts are facts, that's what obama does and he does it all the time, obama has played more golf in his first year then bush played in his 8 years in office, not to mention all the parties they throw in the white house every week, its on your dime you should care how your moneys spent. now what has obama actually done and why can't he speak without a teleprompter?
I don't think that anybody really does fall for it. It's designed for a specific audience, the Obama haters, and they will blame Obama because they ran out of TP this morning. Jesus could come down from heaven and declare Obama his right hand man, and they'd still hate him. Those golf smears are just preaching to the choir, no reasonable person blames Obama for playing golf.Since when did playing golf become an impeachable offense?The left oriented lame stream media made such a big deal out of George Bush playing a round of Golf, but totally support Obama....what is wrong with this picture...........everything.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander and vice-versa...

Bush was hammered, Obama is praised.

In less then 2- years Obama has used Air Force One more times then Bush did in 8 years.

Talk about leaving carbon footprints................Two planes are in the air so that a potential attacker will not know which plane is the Presidents.....every-time Obama gets on the plane plus all the support jets flying escort....but we are supposed to change our lives according to him, but he doesn't....give me a break...I am sick of this do as I say attitude of the leaders in Washington,D.C.!!!!!!!!!!!!!Since when did playing golf become an impeachable offense?
Since oil is about to hit the shores of 5 different states and you don't even call the CEO of BP for 50 days. Then you give the CEO a hard time for going boating once after you played golf 7 times.

This president is a total failure and should just resign before he screws up even more.
I agree, come on people, stop blaming Obama for all our nation's problems that he inherited. He definitely did not know that the oil rig was going to blow. Don't blame the man because he is out Golfing, maybe for him it is a stress reliever...Since when did playing golf become an impeachable offense?
Ah, the old straw man. Check back with us when you want to discuss obama and the Constitution in a meaningful way. Let me guess: you say that Clinton was impeached for having sex with an intern.
Bush took 3 years off on vacation in Texas,

But Obamas is supposed to work 7 days a week (one of them actuallly said that here!)
Obama shouldn't be impeached for playing golf. He should be impeached for what he does while at work.
Its just a little 'gotcha' game because the left was constantly on Bush for playing golf, now it's Obama's turn.
Nothing against Obama playing golf. He should do it full-time, is all.
They don't all play golf you know. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Didn't you learn that in your American History class in 8th grade?
When the country is going to hell because of his policies Obama should not even THINK about golf.
Funny how you'll defend Obama, but I'd wager you were right there with the "Impeach Bush!" crowd.
It's not. So, I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Since the black guy did it.

That was an easy one.
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