Thursday, February 2, 2012

If I am writing an article for a newspaper, should a golf course charge me to play the course I am writing the?

I plan to review about 10 golf courses and compare them based on price, difficulty, amenities, etc. The review will run in a special section of a large newspaper. It's free publicity for the golf courses, so should they charge me to play and review their courses?If I am writing an article for a newspaper, should a golf course charge me to play the course I am writing the?First off, you should have never told the golf course that you were doing a newspaper review. You should have just played golf on the courses, then write your review. By forewarning the golf course that an article was in the works it will slant your story since by accepting a free round of golf you might be bias. If you can get the newspaper to pay for the fees do it that way.If I am writing an article for a newspaper, should a golf course charge me to play the course I am writing the?If the golf course commissioned you to do the write up then yes they should let you play for free,if not then you should pay out of the money you receive from the newspaper.............If I am writing an article for a newspaper, should a golf course charge me to play the course I am writing the?That's really up to each golf course.

Of course, your costs would be a tax deduction as it is a business expense... if that helps.If I am writing an article for a newspaper, should a golf course charge me to play the course I am writing the?
Sheesh, free loader scams every where we turn. That is a tired old scam that won't fly anymore. You should be embarrassed. Just get a tin cup and be honest about your begging.

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