Thursday, February 2, 2012

Can the Golf Club set conditions before golfer could participate in tournament?

I am a member of a Golf Club that charges monthly fees and is managed by a managementt committee elected by its members. The Club recently set a policy whereby only those golfers who take part in monthly tournament organised by the Club are allowed to participate in tournaments held at the club that are sponsored by private corporations.

By this policy, members who did not take part in monthly tournament organised by the club is not allowed to participate in sponsored tournaments that are held at the club.

Is this kind of policy allowed ?Can the Golf Club set conditions before golfer could participate in tournament?The members have appointed the committee to run the club. If they do not like a particular rule then they need to make the committee aware and tell them they wish for it to be changed. I would assume the rule is designed to act as a qualifier for the tournaments. I personally see nothing wrong in that. Without some sort of rule/system then the regular members could find themselves frozen out by players who do not support the club - and could result in players of little ability making the whole thing a farce.Can the Golf Club set conditions before golfer could participate in tournament?
Golf Clubs in general are full of TWATS when it comes to Committees,the only Golf Clubs that succeed are one without. Try and join a Golf Club without a controlling Committee,ie one with a solitary owner. You can reason with an individual but you can't with a Committee.


The people who run Golf Clubs are the least enthusiastic about the sport,they tend to be bad at the sport or have a handicap of 3 and think they are GOOD!


Just look at a Clubs dress code before joining,this will tell you how Twattish the club is.Committees tend to be run by lovers of bad dress sense,pink trousers and cowboy hats furfucksake!


I hope you find a good club somewhere down the line. But watch out for the TWATS!Can the Golf Club set conditions before golfer could participate in tournament?Private clubs make their own rules for the most part. If you want to change the rule then get the membership to change it according to your club bylaws.Can the Golf Club set conditions before golfer could participate in tournament?
They can make up whatever rules they want; it's a private club.Can the Golf Club set conditions before golfer could participate in tournament?Take it or leave, your money your life, love it or leave it

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